Things remembered from slams gone by
1983 First Ham Slam atop the Butt Hut
1984 To be revealed at a later date. Acutally if you were there and know what happened, let me know.
1985 Location: on original butt hut at 2400 Pearl (just behind what is now the House of Tutors sign)
Events: as a random fraternity history lesson for a 45 man pl--er, associate member class.
Instruction provided by Brad Davis and Tom Truelson.
(Today History lesson brought to you by Rob Goodson)
1986 Location: out back (on the relocated butt-hut or deck) of wooden house next to Tri towers.
Events: Fraternity looking for direction and attentioan after losing house at 2400
Pearl, yet still with a large membership. Ideas for parties bounced around. One guy said he
had friend in T-shirt business who could make shirts for 11-11. It could be a big party.
Shirts were rudimentary, black and white (now a collector's item). Party was a huge
success. Chapter president was proved correct when he stated "We will rock and others
will want to rock with us!"
(As reported by the only eye-witness not in the witness protection program, Rob Goodson)
1987 Location: out back of wooden house next to Tri Towers (University Towers?)
Events: The t-shirts were upgraded. The was advertised tothe entire campus.
Eyewitness accounts indicate that in excess of 2,000 people (not all at once) passed
through the driveway entrance that night. Wall to wall people.
Approximately 40 kegs were drained in the span of about three hours.
The celebration of randomness becomes firmly entrenched as an annual event that
is relatively well known around campus as "that big random party".
Police come. Officers run and hide. The beer ran out anyway.
(As it was handed to me, and so it shall be handed to you, from Rob)
1988 First Flag - President gets arrested, party continues - Waterston is sacraficial virgin.
1989 First Slam at 2222 Pearl - *
1990 High fivin' the fornicating Weaver in the tub - Enzminger is sacraficial virgin.
1991 President gets arrested, party continues - West is sacraficial virgin.
1992 First Slam on 6th street, Medusas - *
1993 Nobody can remember a damn thing except it was raining - Happy Happy Joy Joy.
1994 Thanks alumni for outnumbering the 8 actives. Where'd the ham ramble off to. Brad Davis first one to reach 11 slams!
1995 First Slam in Dallas, Thanks Ted for hosting.
1996 Slam in the Hood. Dorfman you still owe us a table.
1997 More damn rain. Slam form built in 30 minutes flat. Slammed at Scholz's Beer Garten Drank Mogen David (That's the fancy version of MD 20/20)
1998 Another Slam at Scholz's.
1999 First multi-locational, cross-dimensional slam.